Scream: The film that saved a Genre
Directed by Wes Craven, Scream is a 1996 slasher film starring Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, David Arquette, Matthew Lillard, Rose McGowen, Skeet Ulrich, and Drew Barrymore. The film is set in the town of Woodsboro, California, where a masked killer with an affinity for horror trivia is picking off teens one by one. Sidney Prescott is the main protagonist. We follow Sidney as she tries to survive and figure out who the killer is. The film has an all-star cast, a fantastic screenplay by Kevin Williamson, and an iconic director at his very best. When the film released in 1996, it was released at a time when the only major horror films releasing were straight-to-video, or sequels to franchises, the horror genre was dead, until Scream. The film, while turning traditional horror tropes on their head, found a way to appeal to nearly every fan of the genre: the film has a different style to its violence, it’s not a hulking supernatural beast stabbing camp-counselors or b...